

Kanbanese Principal/Owner

Adam Hsu is an Enterprise Organizational Coach focused on enabling organizational and business agility at every level of the organization. Adam's approach to coaching is grounded in the principles of Socio-Technical Systems theory with a focus on emergent design and evolutionary change in pursuit of joint optimization of both the social systems and the systems of work within the enterprise.

As a Kanban University Accredited Kanban Trainer (AKT), Accredited Kanban Consultant (AKC), and Kanban Coaching Professional (KCP) Adam has proven experience teaching, coaching, and practicing agility at the individual, work team and leadership team levels, as well as with teams-of-teams at enterprise scale and specializes in organizational change management.

As a collaborative partner and certified facilitator of Okaloa Flowlab simulations Adam provides deep learning opportunities by combining intuitive and rational learning experiences that transcend typical agile methodologies and digs deeper into the nature of complex systems of work with systems thinking.

As an Advanced Practitioner of the Team Diagnostics Survey (TDS) Adam also administers the rigorously researched Six Conditions for Team Effectiveness, which is a well-validated instrument developed and designed by Drs. Ruth Wageman, Richard Hackman, Erin Lehman and their colleagues at Harvard to diagnose the strengths and weaknesses of teams based on the major conditions that foster team effectiveness.
